4 Ways to Improve Indoor Air Quality in Bloomington, IL

Improving indoor air quality within your Bloomington, IL, home is vital for those with allergen sensitivities. However, even those without sensitivities can breathe easier when their indoor air is cleaner. Luckily, there are some simple steps you can take when you want to clear the air inside your house.

1. Vacuum Regularly

Vacuuming is the best way to clean a floor, but many don’t realize that it also plays a role in cleaning a room’s air. Pet dander and dust can accumulate on the ground inside your home, and the best way to keep those particles from getting into the air is by sweeping them up at least once a week, sometimes once a day, in commonly walked areas.

2. Remove Houseplants

You may love keeping plants indoors, but if you’re someone with outdoor allergies, these plants can trigger indoor allergies. For better air quality, keep houseplants outside, and, if you must keep some indoors, be sure to research them and make sure they’re more helpful than harmful, like Peace Lilies and Bamboo Palms.

3. Open Windows and Ceiling Vents

In the spring and summer, opening your windows can let some fresh air in, but it can also remove some not-so-fresh air. Turning on kitchen and bathroom vent fans move poor quality air out quicker any time of the year as well.

4. Invest in an Air Purifier

When you really want to clean your indoor air and maintain its quality over time, consider investing in an air purifier or air cleaning system. These systems capture and control irritants, like allergens, in your home’s air, and they work around the clock so that you don’t have to try to clean your house yourself every day.

If you’re thinking about getting a new air quality control system for your house, contact Air King and learn more about your options. We offer whole-house air cleaners and filtering systems that help you breathe easier.

Image provided by iStock

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