Don’t Make These 3 Thermostat Mistakes in Forsyth, IL

Thermostats are powerful devices that let you easily control the temperature in your home. However, misusing them — even inadvertently — can result in issues that could affect your comfort and utility bills. The following are mistakes to avoid making with your thermostat at your home in Forsyth, IL.

1. Significantly Raising or Lowering the Temperature

Some homeowners think that significantly raising or lowering the thermostat setting will allow them to reach their preferred temperature faster. However, HVAC systems release air at a consistent rate, so the only effects the action will have are putting stress on your system and wasting energy, thereby unnecessarily increasing your utility bill. Simply set the system at the temperature at which you want it to be and let it work to get there in its own time.

2. Turning the Thermostat Off

You may believe that it’s a good idea to shut off your thermostat when no one is around for an extended period of time, such as when you won’t be home for a few days, but that’s not the case.

When you return, your system will need to use a substantial amount of energy getting the temperature back to where you want it. You may also encounter additional problems, like frozen pipes or issues with indoor air quality. Adjust your temperature a few degrees, but avoid turning the thermostat off entirely.

3. Putting Thermostats in Very Warm or Cold Rooms

Putting a thermostat in a room that’s considerably colder or warmer than the rest of the house will result in erroneous readings that can influence how the system operates. It not only will make your home too warm or cold, but it will also strain the system and waste energy.

The more you learn about correctly using your thermostat, the better it will be for your system, comfort level and energy costs. Contact Air King Inc. for maintenance, installation and repair services for your HVAC system and advice about properly using your thermostat more efficiently.

Image provided by iStock

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