How a Variable Speed AC Offers Huge Savings on Cooling Costs

If you’re looking for a way to dramatically reduce your cooling costs, upgrading to a variable speed AC is a great option. Variable speed ACs provide massive benefits for your home in Bloomington, IL, by reducing your energy bills and providing more effective cooling. Let’s now take a look at how variable-speed ACs work and why they use less energy.

How Does a Variable Speed AC Work?

Before looking at energy savings, it’s important to understand what a variable speed AC is. The term is usually used to refer to an AC condenser that has a variable speed compressor motor. The motor is what supplies refrigerant to the evaporator coil.

In extremely hot or humid conditions, the motor will typically run at full speed to keep your home cool. However, on most other days, the motor will automatically run at a lower speed soon after starting up. When this happens, it will use far less energy than running at full speed.

How Running Longer Reduces Energy

Air conditioners consume a lot of energy every time they start. This is an issue with single-speed ACs as they frequently turn on and off throughout the day. An increased amount of energy is used, and the indoor temperature tends to fluctuate much more.

Frequently turning on and off also increases the wear and tear on the system. As a result, you will likely need AC repairs much more often.

Variable speed ACs overcome these problems by running for longer instead of constantly turning on and off. The motor shifts to reduce the rate at which the refrigerant flows into the system. This decreases the amount of energy used, and a more consistent temperature is maintained throughout the day.

Saving Money by Reducing Humidity

Your air conditioning system removes humidity from inside your home in addition to heat. When the system constantly turns on and off, it can quickly cause the humidity level inside to rise. The result is increased strain on your AC. By running for a much longer period, a variable-speed AC can more effectively manage indoor humidity levels and reduce strain.

At Air King Inc., we specialize in repairing and replacing AC systems for local homes and businesses. To learn more about the benefits of upgrading to a variable speed AC, or if you need any other AC repair services, give our team a call today.

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