Is It Time to Replace Your Thermostat in Bloomington, IL?

Your thermostat provides an interface where you can give instructions to your HVAC system. The device may not retain its optimal performance forever, and there will come a time when you’ll need to replace it. Keep reading to learn about the signs for retiring your old thermostat and buying a new one in Bloomington, IL.

Your HVAC System Short Cycles

Multiple issues may cause your HVAC system to turn on and off multiple times, a faulty thermostat being one of the most common. If there’s damage to your thermostat’s wiring, the communication between your device and your HVAC system may not occur smoothly.

Consequently, your system will turn on and off multiple times, a concept called short cycling. Short cycling increases your system’s wear and tear and energy consumption. A faulty thermostat will increase the likelihood of heating repairs and energy costs.

Your HVAC System Doesn’t Turn On

Typically, you should hear clicking sounds when you input temperature preferences. These noises indicate that communication between your thermostat and the HVAC system has occurred successfully. In other words, you should feel temperature changes within a few minutes. If your thermostat has problems communicating with your HVAC system, it will be challenging to regulate indoor comfort.

Incorrect Readings

A thermostat contains a special sensor that helps with temperature regulation. When this sensor malfunctions, your device may not accurately read your home’s cooling and heating settings.

Before you decide to throw away the old one and invest in a new model, reach out to a reliable HVAC company to inspect your current device. They’ll advise you on whether a replacement is necessary. In some cases, the root issue could be your thermostat is dirty. Dust and dirt can negatively impact how the actual sensors operate.

Your service technician will also try recalibrating the device. If the above tests don’t restore your thermostat’s optimal performance, it’s probably time to purchase a new one.

If you’re experiencing any problems with indoor comfort, contact Air King Inc. We
provide exceptional HVAC solutions and are dedicated to serving our customers with the highest level of professionalism.

Image provided by iStock

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