Why is DIY Duct Cleaning a Bad Idea?

If you’re thinking about tackling the job of duct cleaning yourself, think again. There are several reasons why it’s not a good idea and, in the long run, could damage your Mt Zion, IL HVAC system. Here are a few reasons to consider.

Duct Cleaning Can Harm Your HVAC System if Not Done Right

Duct cleaning involves removing your HVAC system’s dirt, dust, and other debris. While duct cleaning can be beneficial if your ductwork is filthy, it can be harmful if not done properly. Duct cleaning generally involves the use of strong chemical cleaners and high-powered vacuums. If the cleaners aren’t diluted, or the vacuums aren’t cleaned out thoroughly before use, you could face some problems. If the ducts haven’t been sealed, outside air can enter the system and cause bacteria growth.

You Don’t Have the Right Equipment

One of the most common myths about DIY duct cleaning is that you can do it with equipment found at hardware stores. In reality, duct cleaning requires special HVAC equipment to remove junk and pollutants. Without the right equipment, you could damage to your ducts. It’s always best to leave HVAC cleaning services to an experienced company that can do the job right.

Duct Cleaning Requires Knowledge of How HVAC Systems Work

Duct cleaning is an essential part of caring for your HVAC system. Not only does it remove dirt, dust, and other debris, but it also helps increase airflow and reduce energy costs. However, duct cleaning requires knowledge of how HVAC systems work and the use of specialized equipment. The average homeowner does not have this specialized knowledge.

Avoid DIY duct cleaning and leave it to a qualified HVAC company to do the job right. Ensure that your ductwork is clean and efficient by contacting the pros at Air King Inc. today. Our knowledgeable service technicians will go above and beyond to improve your indoor comfort.

Image provided by iStock

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